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Two of the four categories are divided into subcategories as shown below:. For more practice test questions from professional sources try these. Click on the section names below to jump to a particular section of the RegisteredNursing.
You should respond to the couple by stating that only unanticipated treatments and procedures that are not included in the advance directive can be made by the legally appointed durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions. The Patient Self Determination Act, which was passed by the US Congress ingives Americans the right to make healthcare decisions and to have these decisions protected and communicated to others when they are no longer competent to do so.
These decisions can also include rejections for future care and treatment and these decisions are reflect in advance directives.
This Act also supports the rights of the client to be free of any coercion or any undue influence of others including healthcare providers. It covers hard copy and electronic medical records unless the client has formally approved the sharing of this information with others such as family members. The elements of informed consent which includes information about possible treatments and procedures in terms of their benefits, risks and alternatives to them so the client can make a knowledgeable and informed decision about whether or not to agree to having it may be part of these advanced directives, but the law that protects these advance directives is the Patient Self Determination Act.
You must immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation and all life saving measures as requested. The priority role of the nurse is advocacy. The nurse must serve as the advocate for both the fetus and the mother at risk as the result of this ethical dilemma where neither option is desirable. A nurse who organizes and establishes a political action committee PAC in their local community to address issues relating to the accessibility and affordability of healthcare resources in the community is serving as the client advocate.
Although the nurse, as the organizer of this political action committee PACwill have to collaborate with members of the community to promote the accessibility and affordability of healthcare resources in the community, this is a secondary role rather than the primary role. Additionally, although the nurse is serving in a political advocacy effort, the nurse is not necessarily a politician and there is no evidence that this nurse is an entrepreneur.
The Five Rights of Delegation include the right task, the right circumstances, the right person, the right direction or communication, and the right supervision or feedback. The right competency is not one of these basic Five Rights, but instead, competency is considered and validated as part of the combination of matching the right task and the right person; the right education and training are functions of the right task and the right person who is able to competently perform the task; the right scope of practice, the right environment and the right client condition are functions of the legal match of the person and the task; and the setting of care which is not a Right of Delegation and the matching of the right person, task and circumstances.
The registered nurse, prior to the delegation of tasks to other members of the nursing care team, evaluates the ability of staff members to perform assigned tasks for the position as based on state statutes that differentiate among the different types of nurses and unlicensed assistive personnel that are legally able to perform different tasks.
Lastly, scopes of practice are within the legal domain of the states and not the federal government. Observing the staff member during an entire shift of duty to determine whether or not the nurse has accurately and appropriately established priorities is a way to evaluate the short term abilities for establishing priorities and not assignment completion and observing the staff member during an entire shift of duty to determine whether or not the nurse has accurately and appropriately completed priority tasks is a way to evaluate the short term abilities for completing established priorities and not a complete assignment which also includes tasks that are not of the highest priority.
Lastly, asking the staff member how they feel like they have been able nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf employ their time management nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf for the last six months is the use of subjective rather than objective evaluation.
Only the nurse can perform these roles. Lastly, the role of the circulating nurse is within the exclusive scope of practice for the registered nurse and the role of the first assistant is assumed only by a registered nurse with the advanced training and education necessary to perform competently in this capacity. Neither of these roles can be delegated to a licensed practical nurse or an unlicensed assistive staff member like a nursing assistant or a surgical technician.
This client is legally eligible for Medicare because he has been deemed permanently disabled for more than 2 years in addition to the VA health care services. People over the age of 65 and those who are permanently disabled for at least two years, according to the Social Security Administration, are eligible for Medicare.
A failure to insure the appropriate level of care jeopardizes reimbursement. Nurse case managers do not have organization wide performance improvement activities, the supervision of complete, timely and accurate documentation or challenging denied reimbursements in their role. The Triad Model of case management entails the joint collaboration of the social worker, the nursing case manager, and the utilization review team. The Professionally Advanced Care Team, referred to as the ProACT Model, which was developed at the Robert Nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf Johnson University Hospital, entails registered nurses serving in the role of both the primary nurse the clinical case manager with no billing and coding responsibilities; these highly specialized and technical billing and coding responsibilities are done by the business office, medical billers and medical coders.
In contrast to this Case Manager Model of Beth Israel Hospital, the Collaborative Practice Model of case management entails the role of some registered nurses in a particular healthcare facility to manage, coordinate, guide and direct the complex care of a population of clients throughout the entire healthcare facility who share a particular diagnosis or Diagnostic Related Group.
The type of legal consent that is indirectly given by the client by the very nature of their voluntary acute care hospitalization is an implicit consent indirectly given by the client by the very nature of their voluntary acute care hospitalization is an implicit consent. An explicit consent, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf, on the other hand, is the direct and formal consent of the client; and an opt out consent is given when a patient does NOT refuse a treatment; this lack of objections by the patient indicates that the person has consented nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf the treatment or procedure with an opt out consent.
Lastly, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equality Act, passed inmandates insurance coverage for mental health and psychiatric health services in a manner similar to medical and surgical insurance coverage; it does not protect the privacy and security of technological psychiatric information, HIPAA does.
The member of the multidisciplinary team that you would most likely collaborate with when the client is at risk for falls due to an impaired gait is a physical therapist. They also provide patients with assistive aids like walkers and canes and exercise regimens. Podiatrists care for disorders and diseases of the foot; and nurse practitioners, depending on their area of specialty, may also collaborate with nurses when a client is affected with a disorder in terms of gait, strength, mobility, balance, coordination, and joint range of motion, however the member of the multidisciplinary team that you would most likely collaborate with when the client is at risk for falls due to an impaired gait is a physical therapist.
The member of the multidisciplinary team that you would most likely collaborate with when the client can benefit from the use of adaptive devices for eating is the occupational therapist. Many of these interventions include adaptive devices such as special eating utensils and grooming aids. Dieticians assess, plan, implement and evaluate interventions including those relating to dietary needs of those patients who need regular or therapeutic diets. They also provide dietary education and work with other members of the healthcare need when a client has dietary needs secondary to physical disorders such as dysphagia; and podiatrists care for disorders and diseases of the foot.
The primary goal of multidisciplinary case conferences is to plan care that facilitates optimal client outcomes. The member of the multidisciplinary team would you most likely collaborate with when your pediatric client has had a traumatic amputation secondary to a terrorism blast explosion a month ago or more ago is a prosthetist.
Prosthetists, in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team, assess patients and then design, fit and supply the patient with an artificial body part such as a leg or arm prosthesis. They also follow-up with patients who have gotten a prosthesis to check and adjust it in terms of proper fit, patient comfort and functioning. Pedorthists modify and provide corrective footwear and employ supportive devices to address conditions which affect the feet and lower limbs.
Lastly, you may collaborate with a trauma certified clinical nurse specialist and a pediatric nurse practitioner but this consultation and collaboration should begin immediately upon arrival to the emergency department, and not a month after the injury. Taking action is the phase of conflict that is characterized with individual responses to nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf feelings about the conflict; Approach- Approach conflicts are a type of conflict that occurs when the people involved in the conflict want more than one alternatives or actions that could resolve the conflict; and Approach-Avoidance conflicts are a type of conflict that occurs when the people involved in the conflict believe that all of the alternatives are NEITHER completely satisfactory or completely dissatisfactory.
Frustration is the phase of conflict that occurs when those involved in the conflict believe that their goals and needs are being blocked and not met, and not necessarily characterized with personal agendas and obstruction; conceptualization is the phase of conflict that occurs when those involved in the conflict begin to understand what the conflict is all about and why it has occurred.
Conflicts can be effectively resolved using a number of different strategies and techniques such as compromise, negotiation, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf, and mediation.
Avoidance of the conflict, withdrawing in addition to other passivity, competition, and accommodating others are not effective and healthy conflict resolution techniques. The stages of conflict and conflict resolution in the correct sequential order are frustration, conceptualization, and taking action.
The Mental Health Parity Act passed inmandates insurance coverage for mental health and psychiatric health services in a manner similar to medical and surgical insurance coverage. And, lastly the Americans with Disabilities Act of and the Rehabilitation Act of forbid and prohibit any discrimination against people with disabilities, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf. For example, they collect and analyze client data in order to fulfill their role and responsibilities in terms of process improvements and the prevention of incidents and accidents, respectively.
Case management and critical pathways may be used to facilitate the continuity of care, but they are not the sound, timely, smooth, unfragmented and seamless transition of the client from one level of acuity to another, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf.
Lastly, medical necessity is necessary for reimbursement and it is one of the considerations for moving the client from one level of acuity to another but medical necessity is not the continuity of care. In terms of priorities from 1 to 6 the conditions nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf are prioritized as follows:.
The 3 rd level priorities include all concerns and problems that are NOT covered under the 2 nd level priority needs and the ABCs. For example, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf, increased levels of self care abilities and skills and enhanced knowledge of a medical condition are considered 2 nd level priority needs.
Time management skills are most closely related to successfully meeting the established priority needs of a group of clients. In addition to prioritizing and reprioritizing, the nurse should also have a plan of action to effectively manage their time; they should avoid unnecessary interruptions, time wasters and helping others when this helping others could potentially jeopardize their own priorities of care.
Although good communication skills, collaboration skills and supervision are necessary for the delivery of nursing care, it is time management skills that are most closely related to successfully meeting the established priority needs of a group of clients.
Morals are most closely aligned with ethics. Ethics is a set of beliefs and principles that guide us in terms of the right and wrong thing to do which is the most similar to ethics.
Laws and statutes defined what things are legal and what things are illegal. Lastly, client rights can serve as a factor to consider when ethical decisions are made; but they are not most closely aligned with ethics, but only, one consideration of many that can be used in ethical decision making. The two major classifications of ethical principles and ethical thought are utilitarianism and deontology. Deontology is the ethical school of thought that requires that both the means and the end goal must be moral and ethical; and the utilitarian school of ethical thought states that the end goal justifies the means even when the means are not moral.
Veracity is being completely truthful with patients; nurses must not withhold the whole truth from clients even when it may lead to patient distress. Justice is fairness. Nurses must be fair when they distribute care and resources equitably, which is not always equally among a group of patients. Beneficence is doing good and the right thing for the patient; it is nonmaleficence that is doing no harm.
You would consider including some of the most commonly occurring bioethical concerns including genetic engineering into the course content. Self-determination is most closely aligned with the principles and concepts of informed consent, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf.
Nurses must be fair when they distribute care and resources equitably, which is not always equally among a group of patients; fidelity is the ethical principle that requires nurses to be honest, faithful and true to their professional promises and responsibilities by providing high quality, safe care in a competent manner; and, lastly, nonmaleficence is doing no harm, as stated in the historical Hippocratic Oath. The minimal essential components of the education that occurs prior to getting an informed consent include the purpose of the proposed treatment or procedure, the expected outcomes of the proposed treatment or procedure, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf, and who will perform the treatment or procedure.
It is not necessary to include when the treatment or procedure will be done at this time. Prohibitions against sharing passwords are legally based on the Security Rule of HIPAA mandates administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to insure the confidentiality, integrity, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf, and availability of electronic protected health information. This rule relates to electronic information security as well as other forms of information.
The security of technological data and information in healthcare environments is most often violated by those who work there. The vast majority of these violations occur as the result of inadvertent breaches with carelessness and the lack of thought on the part of employees. Technology is a double edged sword. Technological advances such as cell phone cameras, social networks like Facebook, telephone answering machines and fax machines pose great risk in terms of the confidentiality and the security of medical information.
Computer data deletion does not always destroy all evidence of the data; data remains. Slander is false oral defamatory statements; and libel is written defamation of character using false statements.
Assault, an intentional tort, is threatening to touch a person without their consent; and battery, another intentional tort, is touching a person without their consent.
Respondeat Superior is the legal doctrine or principle that states that employers are legally responsible for the acts and behaviors of its employees. Respondeat Superior does not, nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf, however, relieve the nurse of legal responsibility and accountability for their actions. They remain liable. Respondeat Superior does not mean that a nurse cannot be held liable nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf not libel which is a written defamation of character using false statements.
Liability is legal vulnerability. A medical license is not necessary; nurses and nclex rn questions and answers free download pdf healthcare professionals can be found guilty of malpractice.
Lastly, correlation is the relationship of simultaneously changing variables. For example, a ppositive correlation exists when the two variables both increase or decrease; and a negative occurs when one variable increases and the other decreases.
The current focus of performance improvement activities is to facilitate and address optimal client outcomes. Throughout the last several decades performance improvement activities have evolved from a focus on structures to a focus on process and now, to a focus on outcomes. Staff performance is not the focus of performance improvement activities but instead the focus of competency assessment and validation. A sentinel event is an event or occurrence, incident or accident that has led to or may have possibly led to client harm.
NCLEX-RN Practice Test 2020 (50 Questions with Explained Answers)
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